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This Good Samaritan gift helps support struggling families and vulnerable foster children, enhance employment training for refugees and homeless families, and help many to escape from severe addictions.  It provides more affordable housing options for families and seniors.

  • $1,000 could help welcome refugees into our shared community with basic needs like food and clothing.

  • $500 could host a public neighborhood forum to discuss affordable housing needs.

  • $250 could quips foster families with specialized training so they can help a child overcome trauma and mitigate a lifetime of health and academic challenges.

  • $100 could provide school supplies for children in need.

  • $50 could provide a client with a month bus pass for transportation to therapy sessions.
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Thank you!

You help Samaritas show love, provide opportunity, and lift those in need. You do more than help people — you create families by offering hope and support to those who need it.